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AUsome Donation & Sponsorship Opportunities

Your donation to The Ausome Allen Foundation helps us change the world with and for special needs. Together we will provide networking, resources and support to these heroes and their families. Giving them a chance to live the fullest life possible! 

The Foundation

Your donation to the foundation helps us host our events that change the lives of special needs heroes and their loved ones. We host events throughout the year to raise funds for these heroes to attend summer camp as well as build our park. The funds will help us purchase things such as but most certainly not limited to advertising purposes, merchandise, specialty items for events, event planning and hosting. The funds also help us sponsor events with and for special needs and be a part of other events that help the community and special needs! 

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Bi-Annual Softball tournaments


One of the LARGEST in Texas 

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Ausome Allen Playground Sponsorship opportunities

The AUsome Allen Foundation has been given Holland Lake Park in Weatherford, Tx the fun historical features with that Hometown feel are exactly what will make this accessible park a destination for everyone. We have been blessed to have help from the best. The designers and builders of Dream Park in Fort Worth is helping us build ours in Weatherford.  The park will have a very first of its kind, two story, wheelchair accessible treehouse, on both floors, using the nature surrounding the treehouse to get up and down. There will be Ausome Stops throughout the nature trail that will provide communication panels such as but not limited to American Sign Language, educational panels about nature like the trees and grass *Provided by Hartin Tree Service, and the animals they could possibly encounter around them at the park. The ground will be made of rubber with our sponsor/donors' logo within them and throughout the entire park. There will be birthday party rooms that are 200% accessible for all abilities, an area for moms to relax but still able to watch their child(ren) develop and grow while making forever friends.  With therapy and workout equipment strategically placed around the park will make this a place that benefits absolutely everyone. There will be a fence going around the park, made of puzzle pieces that will also have our sponsor and donors logos within to hold the friendships in and around the park. Being able to fish, connect with nature and make new friends The Ausome Allen Foundation is ready to build this destination with you.  

These are just a few things that the park will have. Click on the link to see some of the donor & Sponsor ideas and options we have. There are tons of more options and ways to help. We need YOUR help!! Please contact Erica Howell for any questions

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Sponsor a Special Needs Hero to attend summer camp! 

Summer camp is the ultimate experience for any kid, but could you imagine dreaming of fitting in, being confined to a wheelchair wanting to go fishing, hiking, canoeing, horseback riding, archery shooting, wanting to make campfires with friends and just make new friends. Then it finally happens at camp. It is a little bit more of a challenge for special needs to do the things most of us accidentally take for granted daily, but there at summer camp they get the opportunity to experience and see it all.  These heroes of all ages and abilities get together sing, dance, make campfire, experience, learn life skills and so much more that will forever change their lives for the better. Dreams become a reality at summer camp! Help us make dreams come true!!! 


These heroes are asked to bring certain items and additional funds if wanting to purchase other items. The Ausome Allen Foundation not only sends heroes to camp, but we also help fund the items they need and assist with the ride there if needed. For a kid to attend camp ranges from $800-$1,000per person plus additional items needed. 

You can click on the link below to sponsor a hero to camp or make a donation to help send a special needs hero for an experience they will never forget. 

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